The Real Reason You're Not Getting Better

The REAL reason you're not getting any better isn't 👉How often you play 👉How expensive your equipment is 👉How often you take lessons Sure, we tell ourselves if we just play more and work on that perfect swing, we'll play better golf But the truth is, you haven't gotten any better because you haven't upgraded your equipment No, not your clubs... You!!!! The most important piece of equipment is your body 💪 And if you're honest with yourself, you'll realize how little time you spend working on yourself I get it It's hard Why would you want to roll on the ground, get sweaty, lift heavy things, be uncomfortable, and feel sore? It goes against human nature But when you can move better, you play better, it's that simple 🙌 The problem, however, is most teachers still believe the average golfer can swing like a tour player if they simply work hard enough And don't get me wrong, I use the best players in the world as examples all the time but I also...