7 Things I Learned Working the KPMG Women's PGA Championship at Congressional Country Club


This past weekend I was fortunate to work the KPMG Womens PGA Championship at Congressional Country Club

I got to watch the best in the world on the range, soaking it all up

I also got to give free 20 minute lessons to patrons as part of the Lesson Zone presented by National Car Rental

Whether I was watching the best in the world, or helping someone hit a ball for the first time ever, there was so much to learn

Here are my top takeaways....

1️⃣ The Best players in the world are never in a rush. They take everything one shot at a time. They focus on the shot in front of them and never get ahead of themselves

2️⃣ Most amateurs are always in a rush. They feel like quantity over quality is the answer. They rapid fire through an entire bucket of balls without purpose or intention

3️⃣ The Best players in the world are always in balance. They're in balance when they swing, they're in balance with what they eat, they're in balance with work/life. Becoming great at golf is a marathon. It takes time and consistency and the best in the world never rush the process. They stay focused and in balance

4️⃣ Most amateurs are out of balance. They are physically off balance in their swings. They are imbalanced with work/life. They're out of balance with their diets and recovery.

5️⃣ The best in the world don't focus on HOW, they focus on WHERE. They aren't thinking about technnique... they're simply focusing on the shot they're trying to hit and feel it

6️⃣ Most amateurs are focused on HOW, not WHERE. They're so caught up in making the "perfect swing" that they lost sight of the shot they're trying to hit. They think too much about technique and lose their feel. They don't have a purpose or intention

7️⃣ While there may have been some stark differences between the average golfer and the best in the world, there was one thing nearly everyone had in common.... (most) EVERYONE WAS HAVING FUN! There are always going to be tough days but keeping spirits high and remembering it's a game and to have fun goes a long way



For more, visit www.TourShotGolf.com


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