Quick Read: The Mental Library


Golf is an interesting game. You swing down to make the ball go up, swing left to make it curve to the right, and the low score wins.

One of the other quirks of the game is that we don’t look at our target when we swing. As such, we must play to a memory or a mental image. This is where the Mental Library comes in.

The Mental Library is a place within your mind where you store all the best shots you’ve ever hit as well as all the shots that you’ve been able to learn from over the years.

Over time you build your collection. You add new shots, you swap others out for better ones. With the proper understanding of how to do so, and with a commitment to a proper pre-shot routine, you can store your own highlight reel in your mind.

Because we don’t look at the target when we hit a shot, we must form a mental image in our mind. Because of this, you could imagine anything you wanted. It doesn’t even need to be the hole you’re on.

For example, I always hit a good drive on the eighth hole at Morehead City Country Club. It’s my favorite hole out there and fits my eye. I have a lot of great mental images of hitting good drives on that hole.

When I’m playing elsewhere, and I’m not having the best day driving the ball, I can go into my mental library and imagine the eighth hole and sending one down the middle with a high tight fade.

Once locked on to that mental image, I can swing and produce a similar shot, even if I’m on a different course on the other side of the world. And with proper training, this technique can be used with any club, on any hole, at any time

So next time you’re standing over the ball with hesitation, unsure if you’re going to hit a good shot or not, stop, think about a similar shot you hit successfully, imagine it clearly, and swing.

So far two players I've worked with have made a hole-in-one within a month of implementing the mental library visualization process. If it can work for them, it can work for you.

If you'd like to learn more, reach out to Coach Blaine at TourShotGolf@gmail.com





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