Golf Course Review: Pecan Hollow, Plano, Texas


Plano, Texas

May 16, 2023



PAR: 71

LENGTH: 4,819 - 7,152

USGA RATING: 68.9 - 75.4

USGA SLOPE: 116 - 141



PHONE: (972) 941-7600


Scheffler, Spieth, Thomas, Trevino, Hogan, Nelson. Texas is synonymous with some of the legends of the game. Since moving to Texas I can see why. Golf is a very popular game throughout the state, especially in the Dallas - Forth Worth Metro area. Between being home to some of the best golfers in the world and the home of the PGA of America, golf is part of the lifeblood of this city.

Not everyone however is a tour caliber stud hitting 300 yard bombs and draining putts to secure major championships. For 99% of the golfers in the area, they just want to have fun with their friends and play a great course with good conditions that won’t break the bank so they can afford to come back time and time again. Pecan Hollow is one of those courses.

The course is located in Plano, Texas, one of the larger cities in the DFW metroplex. Unlike many of the other courses in the area that wind through neighborhoods, Pecan Hollow has a feeling of reprieve as there are many holes surrounded not by homes, but by native grasses, blooming wild flowers, ponds, and filled with many creatures. It was nice to be able to easily walk the course and get a better feel for how the land requires you to play the game here.









The course was not immaculate by any means but for the price of the greens fee, the conditions were better than expected. Sure, there were some rough spots in the fairways or throughout the rough but the greens were in good shape, they were receptive, and the ball rolled true.

What I was not able to adjust to easily was the muddy conditions found in certain areas of high traffic. These areas that were trampled down and didn’t have much grass got quite muddy. This mud however was a different kind of mud I hadn’t experienced on the golf course before. Normally the ground in Texas is very firm and dry. When flashes of rain come through however the clay ground turns to a thick pasty mud and doesn’t drain very quickly, leaving this film of slick sticky goop that cakes onto your golf shoes. Do your best to avoid these areas.

That said, I think this mud is a trait of the area and weather in general, not necessarily a situation specific to Pecan Hollow. 




It was really nice to be able to walk a full 18 holes with my bag on my back. The Summer heat is coming and I know once it does, I’ll need to bring a push cart loaded up with an umbrella, plenty of water, and snacks to keep from passing out in the Texas sun.

The course is relatively flat though it has enough elevation change to keep things interesting. Each hole is relatively close to the next one with only a couple of exceptions throughout the round. The course is well marked and it seems like walking is pretty popular so there are plenty of little short cuts that get you to the next hole without having to go out of your way.

The course has pull carts available for hire if you’d like to walk instead of taking a riding car. If you’re not sure if walking is for you, start by walking the Pecan Hollow short course, a series of 5 holes ranging from 33-62 yards where you can dial in your short game.





Pecan Hollow is fully equipped with everything you’d expect at a public golf course and more. The golf shop is stocked with all the essentials you didn’t realize you forgot to pack. The practice facilities are more than adequate and provide a great place to spend time working on your game even if you’re not there to play a full round. 

If you do play, there are plenty of comfort stations nicely hidden into the landscape. If you get thirsty, there was plenty of water on the course and a beverage car was driving around all day providing an opportunity to get something more than cooler water.


Pecan Hollow has everything you need to have a great day on the course. Come early, warm up on their grass range, roll putts on their massive practice green, dial in your touch on their short game practice green, go play 18 holes on the championship course, grab a bite to eat, go back out to play the short course and call it a day.



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